Interactive care from anywhere you are.

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Our Specialties

Illness Diagnosis Education

Age-appropriate explanations of acute or chronic diagnoses and specialized support for patient & siblings.

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Food Allergen Education

Fundamental support and education on allergen management after allergies are uncovered.

Medical and Procedural Prep

Instruction, education, and preparation for children undergoing blood draws, IVs, or surgeries of all kinds. 

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Family Separation

Guidance and support for families in anticipation of a loved one's absence, due to illness or divorce.

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Pill Swallowing

Kind, patient instruction for children and teens on pill swallowing, an essential skill.

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Grief and Bereavement 

We are trained to help bereaved children grieve pets, family members, and beyond, through a variety of models.

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Our initial 15-minute phone consultations are free of charge. 

Once scheduled, the first session will consist of a detailed clinical assessment. 

Based on your family’s needs, clinical sessions can be in-home or virtual.  A parent-teaching component and resources will also be available.  For each session, various toys, books, and materials will be brought into your home to build rapport and to meet your child’s developmental needs appropriately.  

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Seeking support but don’t see what you are looking for? 

Contact us to share more about your needs.  If your desired service is not within our scope, we will do our best to try and refer you to someone who can provide it.